Thursday, May 31, 2018

Non-stop relay write up - up in the library!

Caritas delivered a Thank You certificate and vouchers to show the gifts we raised money for last term. 
$729.10 was raised through our non-stop relay!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bucketball Tournament!

This term we have been working away in our four bucketball teams - training and preparing for our tournament. Today was the tournament!

Congratulations to the RED team who ended up winning the tournament in extra time!!!

Well done to all teams 😃

Round robin results...
Semi finals....


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Generosity Class Mass - with the gorgeous Room 2 students

On Tuesday, Room 6 enjoyed a class mass with Room 2. Generosity was the main message of our mass. It helped us to make sure we think of others and not always put ourselves first.
Thank you to Monsignor John for making our mass so special.
We loved finishing the mass by singing and doing actions to 'I am Yours'...the fellow parishioners seemed to like it to!

Monday, May 28, 2018

New Chapter Chats novel...

Look what I picked up the other night...can't wait to start reading it with the class this week and see the amazing work they produce!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Goodbye Mr Crosswell!

Goodbye and THANK YOU to our fun and amazing student teacher - Mr Crosswell!
We'll miss you, please come back and visit 😀

Kiwisport with Naomi!

We are so lucky to have the awesome Naomi come in and work with Room 6! We always have so much fun and learn great skills!

Weekly Certificates!

Congratulations to Ben Casey and Ariel Holloway on receiving our class certificates this week! 


Congratulations to Kiera for receiving her Bronze CARE award today! You are a very talented girl 😀


Physical Activity Leaders! 
The PALS from Room 6 had an awesome morning down at the Edgar Centre learning fun games and skills in a range of sports. Hockey, Rugby, Football, Basketball and Netball were the sports on offer. A huge thank you to Mr Crosswell and the parents for transporting the children.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Probability with Mr Crosswell - our student teacher

After finishing learning about the Statistical Investigation cycle - PPDAC (Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis, Conclusion)...Room 6 moved onto PROBABILITY with Mr Crosswell. We used coins and dice to gain a better understanding of the chance of something happening. A fun and interactive session!

RE lesson - The Holy Spirit

In our RE lesson today we were learning about The Holy Spirit - in relation to understanding Original Sin and Personal Sin. We used role plays to depict some moments of temptation in our lives but how important it is that we make the right choice!
Some clever talents shone through and it was great to see the children bringing RE to life.

Friday, May 18, 2018

CARE award!

Congratulations Brent! Bronze CARE award! 
You are an awesome classmate and we love your huge, happy smile!

Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...