Thursday, June 28, 2018

Maths Problem Solving in teams!

The Otago mathematics Association run an 'OMAthalon' 

each year. This is where students go along to compete in a 

maths problem solving competition. 

We held our first in-class competition on Thursday and 

it was great to see all children so fully engaged in MATHS!! 


  1. This looks so exciting Room 6, good to see you preparing so well!

  2. Great effort Room 6. Looking forward to Room 5 joining your class to solve some more problems.

  3. Great brains at work here

  4. That sounds very interesting Room 6. I must ask Jessica what sort of problems you had to solve!


Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...