Friday, April 13, 2018

Te Reo Mihi presentations!

Everyone in Room 6 did a beautiful job presenting their mihi. 
Here are a few to have a look at...

Our amazing Inquiry EXPO!!!

Well...what a term! 
The Room 6 students worked and worked all term learning about the Biosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere - and how humans are negatively effecting each one. The most enjoyable and worthwhile part of our inquiry was when we got to TAKE ACTION! 
In pairs/groups the students investigated into a current environmental issue and research/planned/found a small change that we each could make to improve Planet Earth. We called this CAMPAIGNING FOR PLANET EARTH - and set up an expo in the Wharenui. 127 people came to visit our expo and were blown away by the wonderful work on show!

Congratulations to all of the Room 6 students - what an OUTSTANDING effort you each made this term! 

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Congratulations to Shona Reynolds for receiving her BRONZE CARE award this term!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Non-stop relay!

Our Young Vinnies organised a non-stop relay around theschool track for their class to take part in. Theyran and ran (through wind, rain and hail!) all day to raise a total of $701 for Caritas.Thank you to all the sponsors and our Year 6 children for 
helping out the people of Timor.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Congratulations to LUCY BURKE 

Lucy is the first recipient of a BRONZE CARE award (in the whole school!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Crucifixion and Resurrection Shared Prayer with Room 5!

We put a lot of thought into how we could best explain the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus to the younger children in our school - and along with Room 5 we decided on a play! 
We really enjoyed preparing and presenting it!

Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...