Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Check out our beautiful Easter wreaths that we created in groups!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Guest performance - Little Red Robin Hood!

An awesome morning watching this performance!

Some of our weekly award winners!

Lam and Oscar!

Aaron and Shona!

Cross Country training with Room 5

Before the West Zone Cross Country we did a lot of training on our school track - and then one afternoon we extended this and ran around the blocks near our school. What a great effort everyone put in!

St Joseph's Day!

On Monday, we attended mass together, had yummy chocolate cake afterwards and then competed in house challenges in the afternoon. Congratulation to Ngaio house for winning the afternoon! A fun day!

Well done Tomas!!

Congratulation to Tomas La Hood who was placed 1st in the West Zone Cross Country and then the following day he gained 3rd in the Dunedin Schools triathlon! AMAZING effort!

Jump Jam!

We were lucky enough to get a taster session of the new jump jam tracks for 2018 - we are looking forward to entering some teams into the Dunedin Jump Jam competition!

Understanding how the Earth's spheres are all interlinked - metaphors used to explain this!

Children worked in pairs to decide on an appropriate metaphor to explain the reliance each of the earth's spheres have on one another!

Inquiry time!

On Wednesday we used an apple to help us understand how little liveable space there actually is on earth for us - and therefore highlighted the importance of us looking after it!

We also looked into the current world population and looked at trends - what does this mean for the population in the future?   

3 legged race!

Ms McColl was shocked that many of us had never taken part in a 3 legged race (it was mentioned in a story we were reading) - so outside we went to give it a go!

Wheels Day!

Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...