Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mission Day!!!!!

What an awesome day we had on Mission Day! Room 6's games and activities were a huge hit and we think everyone had a ball!!!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Care Award!

Congratulations to Hunter on receiving his CARE Award! Hunter, you are working really hard in class and have an awesome attitude this term! Well done!


Care Award!!!

    Congratulations to Elliot on receiving his Bronze CARE award! Elliot, you are such a hard worker and have such an awesome general knowledge!!! Great job!


Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Room 6 were very excited to start our new novel for this terms Chapter Chat. Wonder is about a little boy who must navigate life with a facial deformity. Already, (only a couple of chapters in) we are hooked.  Our quote of the day comes sums up this book perfectly - "Normal is a setting on a washing machine"!!! Source Unknown

Monday, October 16, 2017

Art Gallery Visit!!

On Monday, Room 6 headed down to the Art Gallery. We loved hearing about the paintings and installations and John tied it so beautifully into our Inquiry for the Term. We learnt about NZ birds, NZ buildings and culture. We created painting masterpieces incorporating New Zealand's rolling hills and a very well known structure. Can you guess what it is by looking at our paintings?









She's a Mod!!

As part of our Inquiry Unit this term we will be exploring a different NZ song each day. Today we listened to Ray Columbus and The Invader's, She's a Mod. Ray Columbus and the Invaders were the first New Zealand group to have a number one hit in Australia.
It was fascinating to see music before auto tuning, special effects, costuming and all the other extras we have these days. We discussed the inspiration of the Beetles in the style of this group.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Colour Poems!

Room 6 has been getting creative with colour and language! We used our senses to write colour poems and published them using collage!











Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...