Friday, June 30, 2017

Pyjama Day!!

On Friday we got to come to school in our pyjama's. What a cosy way to spend the day!
We bought a can for the St Vincent de Paul foodbank, the Young Vinnies and House Captains had the big job of counting all the cans!




Thursday, June 29, 2017

Living like a Child of God.

In RE we have been learning about the Holy Spirit. We discussed what living as a Child of God looks like, feels like and sounds like. Here are some of the Y charts we created.


Treasure hunts!


In Room 6 we are looking at Position and Orientation as part of our topic Maths this term. What a fantastic excuse for a treasure hunt. We had to write out our treasure hunts and make sure they worked before we gave them to a buddy to find the "treasure." It was great fun and was a great way to practice the skills we have been learning!







Sunday, June 4, 2017

Angle Mathematics!

This Term we are looking at position, orientation and angles in Strand mathematics. We have been looking at different types of angles and how to measure them. Mrs McKewen's desk was a great place to measure and classify angles!






Thursday, June 1, 2017

Kite making with Room 1!!

We were lucky to have some Room 1 children come and join us today. We made Manu Tukutuku as part of our Matariki celebrations.



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Device cases for sale! $5

Great for students who are heading to a BYOD school. Quality cases - purchased for our school chromebooks but then we decided to store the ...